UDS 2011|2012 session
The workshop is conceived as an intersection exercise of Urban Design [teaching module by Nicolò Privileggio] and Urbanism [teaching module by Patrizia Gabellini].
Main objectives
The workshop deals with the relationships between architecture and city design.
Its main objective is to build a critical practice of architecture and urbanism facing the transformations of urban space that took place over the last decades: the territorial spreading of urbanization, infrastructural systems, environmental issues, transformations in the lifestyles are some of the most relevant themes that are at stake in the current debate on the contemporary city.
The unit includes theoretical lessons and a design exercise on the city of Bologna.
Three study areas will be proposed to the students to elaborate their projects. They will work in small groups or individually. The problem of form will be addressed in order to understand the relationships among diverse dimensional scales of the project: from the single architectural object to the expanded field of the contemporary urban space and its heterogeneous “materials”.
A specific attention will be given to the design of the open space physical structure and consistency and to the construction of the residential habitat. Average drawing skills are recommended.
Lessons organization
Theoretical lessons and seminars will refer to: the meaning and the diverse interpretations of the relationship between architecture and the city; the administrative frame and the debate on the urban future of the city of Bologna.
The evaluation will be based on the discussion of the project and each student must be able to argument its objectives and choices according to the main references.
in Bologna will take place on
Thursday, 27th October 2011.
The appointment is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. at the Bologna Central Station,

Piazzale delle Medaglie d'Oro]
After the visit some meetings with the Municipal technicians and architects will follow at the Bologna Urban Center

ProfessorsPatrizia Gabelllini
mailto: patrizia.gabellini@polimi.it
Nicolò Privileggio
mailto: nicolò.privileggio@tiscali.it
Giulia Fini
mailto: fini.giulia@gmail.com
Alessandro Mingolo
mailto: alessandromingolo@xmstudio.it
Time-table and Location
9.15 – 13.15
14.15 – 19.15
[Classroom B4.4 - Aula Bernasconi]