A new Combined course in Urban Planning and Design for the Specialist Degree Course in Urban Planning and Territorial Policies of the Faculty of Architecture and Society of Milan Polytechnic, was given by professors Patrizia Gabellini and Gabriele Pasqui since the academic year 2008-2009. The Course focussing on changes in contemporary city and the problems and opportunities coming from it.
In the Territorial Analysis section these changes will be analyzed in the perspective of urban populations and from the point of view of the consequences on urban projects, policies and plans. In the Urban Planning section the changes will be discussed with particular attention to the urban dynamics and to the relationship between planning and design.
In the Territorial Analysis section these changes will be analyzed in the perspective of urban populations and from the point of view of the consequences on urban projects, policies and plans. In the Urban Planning section the changes will be discussed with particular attention to the urban dynamics and to the relationship between planning and design.