UPD 2009|2010 session
Integrated Course in Urban Planning and Design
The integrated course in Urban Planning and Design is organised in two sections, strictly connected and integrated: Urban Planning [Prof. Gabellini] and Infrastructure and spatial planning [Gabriele Pasqui].
The course aims to allow students to analyse and discuss the main questions of a new urban planning and design profile, starting from new description of physical and social dimensions of contemporary city dynamics and changes.
The approach is multi-scalar and interdisciplinary.
Lessons organization
The Course is organised in three parts.
The FIRST PART Descriptions and tools for contemporary cities offers different suggestions and tools for interpreting and designing the contemporary city.
In this part the Urban Planning section will be organised around these main issues:
1. analysis of deep changes in the traditional European landscapes and territorial organisation, based on the city-country nexus, and emergence of new complex urban and territorial patterns;
2. analysis and design of territorial patterns for historical city [historical centres], modern city (planned districts) and contemporary city [diffused settlements, citadels];
3. problems and dimensions of contemporary planning practices in the perspective of a new urban planning approach aimed at designing contemporary cities.
The Infrastructure and spatial planning will be organised around these main issues:
1. crucial changes in contemporary city in the perspective of the new relationships between spatial organisation and socio-economic dynamics;
2. urban populations and socio-spatial phenomena in contemporary city [mobility, pluralisation of spatial practices, conflicts].
The SECOND PART Situations, projects, policies introduces and discusses situations connected with different patterns. For each pattern, which presents different situations, and different projects and policies about these situations, are presented by the teachers in the morning. In the afternoon other situations connected with the pattern analyzed in the morning are presented and discussed by small groups of students, following a format that will be given during the lessons.
The THIRD PART Interpretations will conclude the course introducing some general themes about planning and design approaches for governing the transformation of contemporary cities.
The evaluation will be based on an oral examination.
Each student will discuss the presentations and materials about the lessons and
- the books written by Gabellini and Pasqui [if the student wants to give the examination in Italian] or
- the English texts [if the student wants to give the examination in English].
Teachers responsiblePatrizia Gabelllini
mailto: patrizia.gabellini@polimi.it
Gabriele Pasqui
mailto: gabriele.pasqui@polimi.it
Time-table and Location
10.15 – 13.15 [Pasqui - classroom G2]
14.15 – 17.15 [Gabellini - classroom G2]