UPD 2009|2010 session
Integrated Course in Urban Planning and Design
Reference list
1. [I] Gabellini P. (2010), Fare urbanistica. Esperienze, comunicazione, memoria, Carocci, Roma, ch. 1
2. [I] Gabellini P (2001), Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci, Roma, chh. 9,10
3. [I] Pasqui G. (2008), Città, popolazioni, politiche, Jaca Book, Milano
4. [E] Amin A., Thrift N. (2002) Cities. Reimagining the Urban, Polity Press, Cambridge (UK), ch. 1
5. [E] Hall P., Pain K (2006), The Polycentric Metropolis. Learning from Mega-City Regions in Europe, Earthscan, London-Sterling, ch. 1
6. [E] Lynch K. (1984), The Immature Arts of City Design, in T. Banerjee, M. Southworth (eds.), City Sense and City Design. Writings and Projects of Kevin Lynch, Mit Press, Cambridge-London 1996
7. [E] Gabellini P., Echoes of the “Berkeley School”: an Italian experience of urban planning, “Journal of Urban Design”, being printed
[E] English language - [I] Italian language
Teachers responsiblePatrizia Gabelllini
mailto: patrizia.gabellini@polimi.it
Gabriele Pasqui
mailto: gabriele.pasqui@polimi.it
Time-table and Location
10.15 – 13.15 [Pasqui - classroom G2]
14.15 – 17.15 [Gabellini - classroom G2]