UPD 2008|2009 Session
Integrated Course in Urban Planning and Design
Reference list
[E,I] Di Giovanni A. (ed.), 2008, Progettazione urbanistica. Un laboratorio e un corso/Urban Planning and Design. A Workshop and a Course, Rimini, Maggioli
Updates on the website: www.laboratoriorapu.it
[E,I] Gabellini P., 2006, Interpreting the breakdown of the urban model: three Italian case studies, in Enlil Z. and La Greca P. (eds), Cities between Integration and Disintegration; Opportunities and Challenges, IsoCaRP Review 02, pp. 72-86; Interpretare la rottura del modello urbano: tre casi italiani, Territorio, n.38, pp. 88-95
[I] Pasqui G., 2008, Città, popolazioni, politiche, Milano, Jaca BookSkira
1. [E] Gabellini P., 2008, The echoes of the “Berkeley School”: some Italian experiences of urban and regional planning, Berkeley, September 25 (paper)
2. [E] Couch Ch., Leontidou L. and Petschel-Held G. (eds), 2007, Urban Sprawl in Europe. Landscapes, Land-Use Change & Policy, Oxford, Malden, MA, Blackwell,Charter 1
3. [I] Bianchetti C., 2003, Abitare la città contemporanea,Milano,Skira, “Postfazione: percorsi, linguaggi, interpretazioni”, pp. 89-106
4. [E] Jacobs A. and Appleyard D.,2007 (1987), Towards an Urban Design Manifesto, in LeGates R.T. and Stout F. (eds), The City Reader, New York, Routledge Urban Reader Series, Fourth edition, pp.456-466
5. [E] Lynch K., 1996 (1984), The Immature Arts of City Design, in Banerjee T. and Southworth M., (eds), City Sense and City Design. Writings and Projects of Kevin Lynch, Cambridge, Mit Press,pp.498-510
6. [E,I] Ginocchini G. and Manaresi C. (eds), 2007, Bologna: un nuovo piano/Bologna: a New Plan, Urbanistica, issue no. 135
7. [E,I] Gabellini P., 2008, Profiles, Planum http://www.planum.net/showspace/main/m-bookreview-catrapu-bis.html; Reperti e profili dell’urbanistica italiana, in Gabellini P., Bonfantini B., Paoluzzi G. (a cura di), Piani urbanistici in Italia, Rimini, Maggioli, pp. 473-488
1. [E] A. Amin, N. Thrift, Cities. Reimagining the Urban, Polity Press, Cambridge 2002, ch.1
2. [E] P. Hall, K. Pain, eds. The Polycentric metropolis. Mega city regions, Earthscan, London 2006, ch. 1
3. [E] A.J. Scott, The craft, fashion and cultural-products industries in Los Angeles, Annuals of the Associations of American Geographers, 86(2), 1996.
4. [E] M. Webber, Order in Diversity: Community without Propinquity, in L. Wingo, ed., Cities and space: the future use of urban land, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1964.
5. [E] A. Giddens, The constitution of society, UCL Press, San Francisco 1986, ch. 3
6. [E] G. Martinotti, The social morphology of the city, UNESCO Paper, 1996.
7. [E] V. Kaufmann, Re-thinking mobility, Ashgate, London 2003, ch. 3
8. [E] P. Hoggett, Contested communities, Polity Press, London 2003, Introduction
9. [E] P. Estebe, Gouverner la ville mobile, PUF, Paris 2008, ch. 1-2
10. [E] Ch. Lindblom, Inquiry and Change, Yale University Press, Yale 2002, ch. 13
[E] English language - [I] Italian language
Teachers responsiblePatrizia Gabelllini
mailto: patrizia.gabellini@polimi.it
Gabriele Pasqui
mailto: gabriele.pasqui@polimi.it
Time-table and Location
10.15 – 13.15 [Pasqui - classroom G2]
14.15 – 17.15 [Gabellini - classroom G2]