UPD 2010|2011 session
Integrated Course in Urban Planning and Design

She teaches Town Planning at the Faculty of Architecture and Society of the Milan Polytechnic.
She has taught at the University of Florence and Rome and has been chairman and rapporteur in Italy and abroad; she was co-ordinator of research groups for CNR (Comitato Nazionale delle Ricerche) and Ten telecom (DG XIII UE).
She has designed with others the master plans of Jesi (1987) and Siena (1990).
In 1995 and 1996 she has designed the rules of the master plans of Bergamo and Prato; from 1998 till 2000 she has been head of the production of drawings and pictures for the master plan of Rome. She has recently designed the new master plan of Jesi (2003-2006) and is now in charge of the urban plan of Bologna and of the territorial plan of Emilia Romagna.
She has been editor in chief of the journal Urbanistica (1994-1998) and since 1999 she is editor in chief of Planum the European journal of planning on-line, funded by the European Commission.
She is responsible of the Laboratory RAPu+ (Rete Archivi Piani + progettazione urbanistica) of the Department of Architecture and urban planning.
She published many articles and some books: Bologna e Milano. Temi e attori dell'urbanistica (FrancoAngeli, Milano 1988); Urbanisti italiani. Piccinato, Marconi, Samonà, Quaroni, De Carlo, Astengo, Campos Venuti (editor with P. Di Biagi, Laterza, Roma - Bari 1992); Il disegno urbanistico (Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma 1996); Tecniche urbanistiche (Carocci, Roma 2001); Piani urbanistici in Italia. Catalogo e documenti dell’Archivio RAPu (con B. Bonfantini e G. Paoluzzi, Maggioli, Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna 2008); Fare Urbanistica (Carocci, Roma 2010).

Gabriele Pasqui (1965), is Associate Professor of Local Development Policies and Territorial Analysis at Milan Polytechnic. He is member of the Faculty of the PhD program in “Spatial Planning and Urban Development”.
In the period 2004-2006 was scientific director of a Master in “Development and cohesion programmes and policies”.
He is member of the Steering Committee of Steer Davies Gleave for the “Ex.post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2000-2006. Work Package: Transport”.
His key scientific interests include analysis of contemporary cites and urban populations, local development policies, strategic planning, urban governance.
During the last years member of research groups about “Local development projects in Lombardy” (coordinator: Gabriele Pasqui), “Metropolitan innovation, governance and social capital in four italian metropolitan areas in the ‘90s” (coordinator: Bruno Dente) “Milan region strategic plan” (coordinator: Alessandro Balducci) and “Transformation of contemporary cities” (coordinator: Alessandro Balducci), “Master Plan for military areas in Piacenza” (coordinators: Franco Infussi and Gabriele Pasqui”.
Amongst his recent books: Territori: progettare lo sviluppo (Carocci, Rome 2005), Progetto, governo, società. Ripensare le politiche territoriali (FrancoAngeli, Milano 2005); Ripensando sviluppo e governo del territorio. Critiche e proposte (Maggioli, Rimini 2008, with P.C. Palermo); Città, popolazioni, politiche (Jaca Book, Milano 2008); In movimento. Confini, politiche e popolazioni nel territorio milanese (Franco Angeli, Milano 2008, editor, with A. Balducci e V. Fedeli); L'Italia al futuro. Città e paesaggi, economie e società (FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2011, with A. Lanzani).
Teachers responsiblePatrizia Gabelllini
mailto: patrizia.gabellini@polimi.it
Gabriele Pasqui
mailto: gabriele.pasqui@polimi.it
Time-table and Location
10.15 – 13.15 [Gabellini - classroom G2]
14.15 – 17.15 [Pasqui - classroom G2]