Reference list and references
The documents and presentation referred to each lecture are part of the bibliography for the exam.They will be available on the course website.
The texts for the final examination are:
[English texts]
1. Amin A., Thrift N. (2002), Cities. Reimagining the Urban, Polity Press, Cambridge (UK), ch. 1
2. Hall P., Pain K (2006), The Polycentric Metropolis. Learning from Mega-City Regions in Europe, Earthscan, London-Sterling, ch. 1
3. Balducci A., Fedeli V., Pasqui G. (2011), Strategic Planning for Contemporary Urban Regions, chs. 0, 0.1, 1.1, 2.1
4. Lynch K. (1984), The Immature Arts of City Design, in T. Banerjee, M. Southworth (eds.), City Sense and City Design. Writings and Projects of Kevin Lynch, Mit Press, Cambridge-London 1996
5. Gabellini P. (2011), Echoes of the “Berkeley School”: an Italian experience of urban planning, “Journal of Urban Design”, 16.2
6. Gabellini P. (2011), Devising a new program for habitability. Some ideas on the new urban question with regard to the Bauhaus legacy, in Colini L., Eckardt F., (eds), Bauhaus and the city/Könisgshausen and Neumann: Würzburg
[Italian texts]
1. Gabellini P. (2010), Fare urbanistica. Esperienze, comunicazione, memoria, Carocci, Roma, chs. 1-2
2. Gabellini P (2001), Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci, Roma, chh. 9,10
3. Pasqui G. (2008), Città, popolazioni, politiche, Jaca Book, Milano (tutto il libro)
4. Lanzani A., Pasqui A. (2011), L’Italia al futuro. Città e paesaggi, economie e società, Franco Angeli,
Milano, chs. 1-6
[English texts]
1. Amin A., Thrift N. (2002), Cities. Reimagining the Urban, Polity Press, Cambridge (UK) (whole book)
2. Hall P., Pain K (2006), The Polycentric Metropolis. Learning from Mega-City Regions in Europe, Earthscan, London-Sterling, ch. 1
3. Balducci A., Fedeli V., Pasqui G. (2011), Strategic Planning for Contemporary Urban Regions, chs. 0, 0.1, 1.1, 2.1
4. Lynch K. (1984), The Immature Arts of City Design, in T. Banerjee, M. Southworth (eds.), City Sense and City Design. Writings and Projects of Kevin Lynch, Mit Press, Cambridge-London 1996
5. Gabellini P. (2011), Echoes of the “Berkeley School”: an Italian experience of urban planning, “Journal of Urban Design”, 16.2
6. Gabellini P. (2011), Devising a new program for habitability. Some ideas on the new urban question with regard to the Bauhaus legacy, in Colini L., Eckardt F., (eds), Bauhaus and the city/Könisgshausen and Neumann: Würzburg
7. Banham R. (1971), Los Angeles. The Architecture of Four Ecologies, Harper and Row, London (whole book)
[Italian texts ]
1. Gabellini P. (2010), Fare urbanistica. Esperienze, comunicazione, memoria, Carocci, Roma (tutto il libro)
2. Gabellini P (2001), Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci, Roma, chs. 9,10
3. Pasqui G. (2008), Città, popolazioni, politiche, Jaca Book, Milano (tutto il libro)
4. Lanzani A., Pasqui A. (2011), L’Italia al futuro. Città e paesaggi, economie e società, Franco Angeli,
Milano (tutto il libro)
5. Banham R. (1983), Los Angeles. L'architettura di quattro ecologie, Costa&Nolan, Genova (tutto il libro)
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Gabriele Pasquimailto:
Andrea Di Giovanni
Giulia Fini
and Patrizia Gabellini
Time-table and Location
10.15 - 13.15 [classroom V.2]
14.15 - 17.15 [classroom IV]