Patrizia Gabellini

She teaches Town Planning at the Faculty of Architecture and Society of the Milan Polytechnic. She has taught at the University of Florence and Rome and has been chairman and rapporteur in Italy and abroad; she was co-ordinator of research groups for CNR (Comitato Nazionale delle Ricerche) and Ten telecom (DG XIII UE).
She has designed with others the master plans of Jesi (1987) and Siena (1990). In 1995 and 1996 she has designed the rules of the master plans of Bergamo and Prato; from 1998 till 2000 she has been head of the production of drawings and pictures for the master plan of Rome. She has recently designed the new master plan of Jesi (2003-2006) and is now in charge of the urban plan of Bologna and of the territorial plan of Emilia Romagna.
She has been editor in chief of the journal Urbanistica (1994-1998) and since 1999 she is editor in chief of Planum the European journal of planning on-line, funded by the European Commission.
She is responsible of the Laboratory RAPu+ (Rete Archivi Piani + progettazione urbanistica) of the Department of Architecture and urban planning. She published many articles and some books: Bologna e Milano. Temi e attori dell'urbanistica (Angeli 1988); Urbanisti italiani. Piccinato, Marconi, Samonà, Quaroni, De Carlo, Astengo, Campos Venuti (editor with P. Di Biagi, Laterza 1992); Il disegno urbanistico (Nuova Italia Scientifica 1996); Tecniche urbanistiche (Carocci 2001); Piani urbanistici in Italia. Catalogo e documenti dell’Archivio RAPu (con B. Bonfantini e G. Paoluzzi, Maggioli 2008).
Betrando Bonfantini

He has an Architecture degree (1994) and PhD in Territorial Planning (1999), since February 2005 has held a permanent position as Assistant Professor at the Architecture and Town Planning Department of the Milan Polytechnic, the university where he has been teaching on a regular basis since 1995 (lecturer) and where, in 2002, he was tutor and coordinator of the Specialisation School in Territorial and Environmental Planning.
Commitment to research, teaching, design and application experiences reflect the characteristics of a program in which a specific interest in the technical tools and the operational dimension of contemporary town-planning is mated to the study of the cumulative character of knowledge in this discipline.
He was member of the editorial staff of the journal Urbanistica of the Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica (1994-2005). Among his recent works we should mention his collaboration to the drafting of the general town plan for the city of Jesi, Ancona (2003-2006, head of project Patrizia Gabellini) and his participation in departmental research activities on Milan “Urban market and public sphere” (2005-2006, coordinator Matteo Bolocan Goldstein).
Antonio Longo

He is an an architect, graduated at Milan Polytechnic with a thesis about plain planning effects in sprawling context (1992). Then a partnership period at the Bernardo Secchi and Paola Viganò architecture office, he was visiting researcher at the IRPUD (Dortmund University, BRD) where he attended to policy and urban methods in metropolitan plain and environmental regeneration strategies (1995/1996). PhD at Venice IUAV in Urban Territorial Planning about design and communication in urban planning (2000). He is a researcher at the Architecture and urban planning Department of the Milan Polytechnic, where he teaches Urban Design at the Faculty of Architecture and society. Among his recent works we should mention his collaborations to the drafting of the general town plan for the cities of Jesi, Seregno, San Donato Milanese and Milan District. Now he is a member of San Donato Milanese planning board and PII evaluation group, he is responsible for representation themes in “Città di Città” Strategic Plan of Milan District. |