UDS 2011|2012 session
Project exercises
Coming soon
Student's final projects will be presented at the end of the course.
Groups and chosen areas

Group 1. Minola Luca, Cozzolino Stefano
Group 2. Fontana Cassandra, Ponti Marta

Group 3. Albini Alessia, Campini Lorenzo, Maneo Paolo
Group 4. Gomez Aristizabal Juliana, Shubenkova Daria, Kan Viktor

Group 5. Steiner Linda, Smatanova Katarina, Crupi Lia
Group 6. Bono Cristian, Ferrari Fabrizio, Farina Enrico
The visit to the project areas
in Bologna will take place on
Thursday, 27th October 2011.
The appointment is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. at the Bologna Central Station,
in front of the station's main entrance
Piazzale delle Medaglie d'Oro]
After the visit some meetings with the Municipal technicians and architects will follow at the Bologna Urban Center
Sala Borsa, P.zza Nettuno 3, Bologna]
in Bologna will take place on
Thursday, 27th October 2011.
The appointment is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. at the Bologna Central Station,

Piazzale delle Medaglie d'Oro]
After the visit some meetings with the Municipal technicians and architects will follow at the Bologna Urban Center

ProfessorsPatrizia Gabelllini
mailto: patrizia.gabellini@polimi.it
Nicolò Privileggio
mailto: nicolò.privileggio@tiscali.it
Giulia Fini
mailto: fini.giulia@gmail.com
Alessandro Mingolo
mailto: alessandromingolo@xmstudio.it
Time-table and Location
9.15 – 13.15
14.15 – 19.15
[Classroom B4.4 - Aula Bernasconi]