UDS 2011|2012 session

Architect, and Full Professor of Urbanism from 2000, she is teaching at the Architecture and Society School of the Politecnico di Milano, where she has been the director of the Specialization Program in Urban and Environmental Planning and, then, coordinator of PhD Program in Urban Projects and Policies of the Department of Architecture and Planning.
She has been head of that Department from 2009 to 2011.
In the same Department she is responsible for "RAPu + Urban Design", the Laboratory which manages the digital archives of Italian urban plans (www.rapu.it) and researches of urban planning and design.
As a Scholar she has been coordinator of research groups of the INU-National Istitute of Urbanistics, of the CNR-National Centre of Research and of the European Ten Telecom (DG XIII).
She gave seminars, conferences, lessons in many Italian universities, in faculties of architecture and engineering, for PhD and specialized courses. She takes part of boards in competitive examinations and project competitions, and of panels for university evaluation.
She has been visiting scholar at the IURD of the University of California in Berkeley (2008), and visiting professor in the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio - University of the Italian Switzerland (2009-10, 2010-11).
As an academic planner, she collaborated to the project of the Master plans of Jesi (1987) and Siena (1990); she projected the technical regulations for the implementation of the Master plans of Bergamo (1995) and Prato (1996); she directed the “Design and Communication” project of the Master plan of Rome (2000). She projected the new plan of Jesi (2006) and is working for the territorial project of the Esino Valley, funded by the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports.
From 2006 to 2009 she was consultant for the urban plan of Bologna (structure plan and regulations plan) and then member of the scientific committee for the territorial plan of Emilia Romagna region.
She has been editor of the journal Urbanistica from 1994 to 1998, and since 1999 she is the director of Planum, the European Journal of Urbanism online (www.planum.net), which she devised and published with a grant by the European Community (Ten Telecom, DG XIII).
She is author of 4 books, and editor of 7 ones. She is author of more than 30 essays published in books and journals, in Italy and abroad.
She is now councillor of the Municipality of Bologna.

Nicolò Privileggio, PhD architect, has being teaching Architectural Design since 2002 at Politecnico di Milano, Facoltà di Architettura Civile, where he is currently in charge of the Achitectural Design Studio. He also taught Urban Planning and Design at Politecnico di Milano and Architecture and Urban Design at University of Padova.
He participated to national research programs on the relationships between settlements and infrastructures: “Infrastructures, Urban Habitat and Settlements Patterns” granted by the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MURST 1999-2001).
He is the editor of La città come testo critico (The city as critical text), Franco Angeli , Milano 2008, and co-author of X Milano, Hoepli, Milano 2004 (with C. Macchi Cassia, M. Orsini, M. Secchi, italian/english texts) which presents the results of a design research on Milan’s metropolitan area granted by the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MIUR 2001-2003).
Since 1998 Nicolò Privileggio together with Marialessandra Secchi has being leading a professional activity in the fields of architecture and urban design, after having collaborated with Bernardo Secchi to the design of several master plans (Kortrijk - Belgium, Ascoli Piceno, Bergamo, Brescia – Comparto Milano, Brescia - Quartiere Sampolino).
The design research of Nicolò Privileggio has been mainly addressed to issues related to large scale projects for several cities such as Fribourg, Jesi, Bologna, Lugano, Sejong, Liubljana among others, and received prizes and awards in international urban design competitions.
[Further informations on www.privileggio-secchi.com and passaggiweb.wordpress.com].
in Bologna will take place on
Thursday, 27th October 2011.
The appointment is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. at the Bologna Central Station,

Piazzale delle Medaglie d'Oro]
After the visit some meetings with the Municipal technicians and architects will follow at the Bologna Urban Center

ProfessorsPatrizia Gabelllini
mailto: patrizia.gabellini@polimi.it
Nicolò Privileggio
mailto: nicolò.privileggio@tiscali.it
Giulia Fini
mailto: fini.giulia@gmail.com
Alessandro Mingolo
mailto: alessandromingolo@xmstudio.it
Time-table and Location
9.15 – 13.15
14.15 – 19.15
[Classroom B4.4 - Aula Bernasconi]